Autumn has arrived! we've found gift from nature!

Autumn has come here as well. The fallen leaves are colorful and beautiful! I get very excited walking in the forest during this seasonn as there are lots of grace from nature, such as hazelnuts, chestnuts, mushrooms..! we found a lot of chestnuts falling on the ground when we were walking in the forest. They were much smaller than normal chestnuts, and really cute!
So tonight I am going to make chestnuts rice of Japanese style! I remeber I used to go to chestnutz picking almost every autumn with my family when I was child and it was great fun.
Here is the recipe of Japanese chestnutz rice, please enjoy!
・10- 15 chestnuts
・1 and a half cup of rice
・2 table spoon of sake (optional)
・1 tea spoon of salt
1. After washing the chestnuts , soak them in about 40 degrees of warm water for 15 minutes (or about 1 hour in water). the outer skin becomes soft and becomes easy to peel by doing this, then peal the skin of chestnuts.

2. Rinse the rice before cooking.
How to rinse rice -Pour the rice into a bowl, and fill the bowl with cold water. Use your fingers to gently swirl around the grains. You’ll notice the water get cloudy. Tip out all that starchy water. Rinse the rice and repeat about 3 times.
3. Add the salt into washed rice and stir very well. ( important ), then add the pealed chestnuts.
4. Add 1 and a half cup of water into the rice cooker and cook the rice and chestnuts together.

5. Add the sake to bring more flavor if you like , then stir them very well.
6. Bon appeti!
Radhe Aananda Yoga and Healing recipes