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 What is Ayurveda?

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“No philosophy has had a greater influence on Ayurveda that Sankhaya’s philosophy of creation and manifestation. To use Ayurveda in your life, you do not have to accept, or even understand, this philosophy. But if you keep an open mind towards it, you will gain a deeper insight into the ways to Ayurveda can benefit your health“

—The book of Ayurveda, Judith Morrison


Introduction to Ayurveda

 Ayurveda means (Ayur meaning “life” and Veda meaning “wisdom”) and it is considered the oldest medical system in the world. It has its origins in the ancient Vedic writings of India dating back over 5,000 years.


In Ayurveda, prevention of disease is the most important and Ayurveda considers all good health starts with digestion with the proper metabolism. Ayurveda focuses on not only physical health, but also the balance of mind and spirit as they are all connected in Ayurveda, you can not say you have perfect health if your physically healthy, but mentally not.



Maintaining physical and mental health is the key in Ayurveda.

The treatment includes diet, medical herbs, detoxification, massage, breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda considers food is just as powerful as medicine. Ayurveda is a traditional healing system that treats the mind, body, and spirit.


The Five Elements and The three Doshas




There are 5 elements, Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in Ayurveda and the creative energy of the universe produced three attributes which are called the three Gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas.


Satva reflects truth, purity, compassion, love and represents the greatest level of awareness. Rajas reflect the desire to move, passion, action, confusion, and aggression. Tamas reflects laziness, ignorance, heaviness, and dullness.

The doshas reflect three main principles of nature called Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth-water) and each person is a different combination of these three principles or doshas. 

Ayurveda considers when you live in harmony with nature, you are dis-ease free, balanced, and happy.





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