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Class Descriptions

What is Hatha yoga?





The Hatha yoga class offers foundational practice focusing on posture, breath, alignment. A supportive environment for beginners and experienced students. Modifications and alignments are given for beginners/ advanced students in an encouraging way and lead you to a wonderful experience of yoga. No previous experience needed.

This will be a class for everyone. 


Sivananda Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga, based on the wisdom of Swami Sivananda. Sivananda Yoga focuses on your health and well-being. Rather than working up a sweat, Sivananda yoga puts importance on relaxation, pranayama, and deep yogic breathing exercises. You can also improve your flexibility and strength in this class. By naturally developing your body, Sivananda Yoga has even been linked to slowing down the aging process and reducing illness. The class is perfect for unwinding at the end of a busy day, Sivananda Yoga is all about keeping calm from the inside out.

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The Yoga and meditation class offers Yang poses (Activating poses) at the first half of the class and offers Yin poses (passive relaxing poses) at another half of the class, with longer relaxation (Shavasana) at the end of the asana class. After the asanas, the class will end with 15mins silence meditation to find stillness in your mind. This class is about finding connection with body, mind, and soul.

Gentle Yoga and Mindfulness class-Open to all

Are you feeling stressed or out of balance?

Do you wish to be more centered, calm and joyful? The gentle yoga and Mindfulness class is a great place to begin yoga and learn how to let go of the stress and tension that creates pain and irritation in the body and mind and increase your flexibility and focus. Combines Gentle Supported postures with a deeply relaxing Shavasana. This class work with the breath to cultivate a mindfulness practice.

No previous yoga experience needed.


 The Yin yoga class offers a slow, deep, and meditative opportunity which Infused in the longer, more passive holds in order to let go of tensions stored in the body and to calm the nervous system. The class includes some slow deep hip opening stretches. This class aims to cultivate awareness through inner silence as well. Yin yoga class is a peaceful way to release your tension and enjoy the quiet moment.

Vinyasa Yoga is a flowing dynamic sequence of poses. The practice involves synchronizing the breath with a continuous flow of postures. The class focuses on increasing strength and stability of your body with steady breath, Some challenging postures are included, but the class will complete with a grounding relaxation and you will feel rejuvenated and ready to enjoy the rest of your day after this class! The flow begins with the sun salutations. (Surya namaskar in Sanskrit).


Guided meditation classes for all levels.

Feeling overwhelmed by life, or simply want to discover a better way to manage day-to-day worries and stress? Meditation is not only a great way to decompress and unwind, but it may also reduce the negative effects of anxiety and depression, worry and fear, addictions and high blood pressure. The meditation class teaches you techniques in a calm, relaxed environment, to help you reduce tension and clear your mind of chatter and negative thoughts. You’ll learn how to focus on your breathing with pranayama (ancient yogic breathing practices) .


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