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Radhe is a yoga instructor, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counsellor / Ayurveda therapist and, early childhood educator, environmentalist, social activist, and nature lover. She merges the traditional healing practices of Ayurveda with a holistic approach to yoga and cooking. Radha has been teaching yoga since 2009. She found the greatness of yoga during her studies in University in Taiwan in 2007 and she knew from her first yoga experience that she had to share this wonderful experience with the world.

Since she was a child, she has always felt that a leading a life concerned with more than just the material world was important. She made her first visit to India in 2009 to deepen her yoga practice and to complete the teacher's training course in Himalayas.

Yoga has been a major part of her life since then.


I seek to share yoga in a way that is grounding and balancing in our busy lives.


                         Radha's Biography       


・Founder of Radhe Aananda Yoga and Healing 

・E-RYT 200 certified Yoga and meditation teacher      Himalayas, India 2009

・Specializes in traditional Hatha Yoga, (Sivananda yoga, yin yoga, mindfulness yoga, relaxation yoga, laughter yoga, kids, teens yoga) and pranayama and meditation.

・Certified Ayurveda therapist and practitioner 


・Certified Early Childhood Educator


・Tibetan singing bowl therapist

・Environmentalist working towards Permaculture and bush regeneration


Yoga is for everyone,  you, yourself, are flexible enough, strong enough, and hold the mindfulness to find inner peace in the practice of yoga if you give it a try.

Radha has been focusing on teaching relaxation-based yoga such as Sivananda yoga, traditional Hatha yoga, yin yoga, meditation,  prenatal yoga, laughter yoga, gentle flow, and organized yoga & meditation workshops in Hong Kong and Australia since 2010.

She also ran and managed a yoga center on behalf of the director in Canada in 2016. She taught beginners and intermediate yoga courses at the yoga center as well as yoga retreats and had also experiences to teach yoga to teenagers and children in private/public schools in Canada.


She has also gone to India to support yoga teacher training and had an opportunity to appear on television for the Mathrubhumi News channel in India and performed in a morning yoga series while she was in India in 2013.


Radha is very passionate about teaching yoga as she finds it yoga is a great way to help people to find calmness and inner happiness during their busy lives. 

Her goal is to spread healthy lifestyle wherever she is by teaching yoga and meditation and continue promoting a sustainable lifestyle, as she believes we need to leave the earth better than we found it for the sake of future generations. Radha is also passionate about learning permaculture-, she joined a permaculture program in Australia and looking forward to participate in more.







・環境活動家-Bush Regeneration, Permaculture practitioner (森林再生、パーマカルチャープラクティショナー)





Radhe Aananda Yoga is very calming and healing that will create balance and flow in the energy channels of the body.

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2011~2015年 インドでヨガの修行を毎年重ねながら、2010年香港を拠点にヨガ指導を英語、日本語、中国語で開始。後にオーストラリアでハタヨガを中心にパース、メルボルンでヨガクラス、ワークショップを日本語、英語で受け持つ。インドでは国際ヨガティーチャートレーニング資格の英語同時通訳、カウンセラーとしてコースをサポート。

2013年に南インド国営テレビmatabhumi newsにて現地の朝のモーニングヨガクラスシリーズに2週間出演。

2016年 カナダのヨガセンターにてダイレクターのもとで、ヨガセンター運営補佐、マネージメント全般、ヨガ指導を担当。現地のカナダの生徒さんを対象にビギナーズコースからアドバンスコース、キッズヨガ、ティーンヨガ、メディテーションコースを担当。



カナダのバンクーバー在住時に米最大オーガニック会社WHOLE FOODSにて日本人第一号者として採用され、オープンキッチン、デリ部門でジュニアクックとして働くうちに食の大切さ、オーガニック、料理、ハーブなどに深い関心を持つようになる。その影響から私生活では持続可能な未来につながる暮らし、パーマカルチャーを目標にミニマリスティックで自然と調和した生き方、Buy less, Create more がモットーにしている。






”I like to know where my food comes from and whether it was grown organically and naturally because I believe that food is the essence of our body and mind. 

I like home cooking with local ingredients, that is more make sense to me rather than buying vegetables and fruits are coming from hundreds of miles away. I truly believe that we are all one and there is no separation. We all have different thoughts and believes, but even so, we can all connect with each other through the higher realm of spirituality beyond other systems and be united.

The most importantly we need to take care of the Earth and always need to think about seven generations ahead to leave bright future for future's children.”

-Radhe Shanti


                          QUOTES FROM SWAMI SIVANANDA

This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. 

If you do not find peace within, you will not find it anywhere else. The Goal of Life is the attainment of Peace and not the achievement of power, name, fame and wealth.

You can have calmness of mind at all times by the practice of yoga. You can have restful sleep. You can have increased energy, vigour, vitality, longevity, and a high standard of health. You can turn out efficient work within a short space of time. You can have success in every walk of life.


One of the things I love about yoga is that it brings you into the present moment. You aren't worried about what will happen tomorrow and you aren't thinking about what happened yesterday. It's about opening your heart and living from your heart.

-Michael Franti


Copyright 2019- Radhe Annanda Yoga and Healing - All Right Reserved
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