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【Radha's kitchen!】How to make super easy homemade Teriyaki sauce. Organic natural life.

When I first moved to overseas, I noticed Japanese meals with Teriyaki sauce are so popular . Since Teriyaki sauce is not that popular in Japan, (we do eat salmon teriyaki sauce dish, or some other dishes, but for us it has never been considered as one of main meals of Japanese food . ) therefore I was interesting for me to know how popolar Teriyaki sauce is in outside of Japan.

Today, I am going to show you how to make authentic Japanese Teriyaki sauce. Believe or not, I just learned how to make this sauce a few days ago, and I loved it.

Ideally, making with Japanese mirin and sake are great, but it's not so easy to get them in overseas, so I will show you how to make the sauce without those ingrédients.

Let's get started!

All you need for 2 people is.... 70ml Bio soy sauce 70ml White wine , 25g to 35g Brown suger 1 clove of grate garlic.

An important tip for making Teriyaki sauce is to keep the amount of white wine and soy sauce is proportional. The amount of sugar is adjustable later on.

Method ... 

1. Place all the seasonings in a pan or pot with low heat for 5 mins,

2. Gently keep stiring.

3. Boil down the sauce to about 70% until it starts to thicken.

4. That's all. Bon appétit!

Personally, I try to avoid using sugar as much as possible, however, to make Teriyaki sauce, using Brown suger will bring the best taste. Maybe you could try with maple syrop and let me know how it went?;)

Please give me comments if you have any questions!

Love to all,


You can explore vegetarian friendly recipes here. All the recipes are from natural ingredients and free from artificial additives.

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