Yoga classes with Radha

Yoga Pramana is offering a fusion of classical hatha yoga, vinyasa, yin yoga, laughter yoga, gental flow, mindfullness yoga and meditation. Come and join us, leave your busy life outside the door, and just breathe and connect to your foundation!
Yoga can cultivate the connection between body and mind.
Yoga is seen merely as physical exercise in our modern society, but the original intent of the yoga poses was to prepare the mind and body for meditation. Through the poses (asana), breath (pranayama), and sound (mantra), we can cultivate the connection between body and mind. Whether the transformation you seek is reduced stress and anxiety, increased health and vitality, or decreased physical discomfort, yoga is a great place to start. And the best part is you can start wherever you are. You don't need to be flexible, thin, or in shape. Yoga can be accessible to anyone and any age.
You can have your order made yoga class as you wish with Radha. The private yoga session can tailor your class to you and your needs. If you need good relaxation, you can have an entire class focusing on calming mind and relaxation, if you are seeking for better flexibility and good strengths, you can have an entire class just focusing on flexibility and strengths, it's your choice. You can also request the time you wish for your yoga class. Radhe Aananda Yoga and Healing private yoga class will be best for people who don't have enough time to go to regular yoga classes in your busy schedule.
The private sessions are available in English, Japanese or both languages for international couples, friends and families . Yoga session for kids, teens, seniors, and company are also available. You can find the price for the private yoga class below. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

料金:初回は20分のカウンセリングと80分のヨガクラス、合計100分のセッションで €85
2回目以降 90分 €85
クラスの料金は完全一人のプライベートヨガでも、親しいお友達、カップルの方を呼んでいただいても同じ料金です。例えばお友達3人での受講でしたら、料金を割っていただいてお一人様 €28、4人でしたらお一人あたり €21ユーロで日本語で90分のプライベートヨガが自宅、もしくはあなたのお近くのスポーツセンターのスペースなどで移動なしにヨガができます。
The private yoga session can tqilor your class to you and your needs:
Price for the private yoga session
Initial yoga session:
Holistic counseling (20mins)+ yoga class(80mins) €85/100 min
From the second yoga session (90mins )€85/90 mins. The session fee can be one to one or you can invite your friends to the class and share the fee.
Initial Ayurvedic health counseling
From the second counselling €40/45min
Ayurveda is based on the belief that everyone is unique. Ayurvedic healing can resolve one's life imbalances, physical problems, and emotional stress. Radha's Ayurveda counseling can assist you in bringing clarity and balance on an emotional and energetic level to improve your pshysical and mental health.